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What Are FSBO Agreements?

When you work with a real estate agent to sell a property, the agent prepares a purchase agreement, but if you sell your property on your own (For Sale By Owner or “FSBO”), ask an Orlando real estate lawyer to prepare an FSBO purchase agreement on your behalf. An FSBO agreement is a legally binding…

Will a Realtor Work With For Sale by Owner?

If you are seeking to purchase a home in central Florida – and especially if you may be interested in buying a home that is “For Sale By Owner” – you should retain the advice and services of an Orlando real estate attorney. Some real estate agents in Florida will work with for sale by…

What Is a Tortfeasor?

If you or your company in central Florida has been injured or has suffered losses – or if another party accuses you of causing injury or losses – you should be advised and represented by an Orlando personal injury attorney. “Tort law liability” is the liability a party faces for causing damage or injury either…

How Are Wills and Trusts Different?

You shouldn’t think that estate planning is exclusively for the elderly or the affluent. If you have a home or a business, or if you provide for your family in central Florida, speak promptly with an Orlando estate planning lawyer about establishing a will or a trust. There is no one-size-fits-all estate planning strategy. No…

Eviction vs. Ejectment:

Picking the Correct Procedure for Possession of Real Property There are many differences between evictions and ejectments in Florida; however, for the purposes of this article I will stick to the main differences. An eviction is a lawsuit where you are asking the court for possession of a rental property. Evictions are governed by Chapter…

Florida-friendly Landscaping & the not so Friendly Homeowners’ Association

Florida-friendly landscaping and the Unfriendly Homeowner’s Association  The Florida legislature passed a law in the early 2000s and in 2009 with the goal of encouraging homeowners and community associations to cultivate landscapes that don’t require pampering with sprinklers and chemicals. These lawns are referred to as “Florida-friendly” lawns or landscaping. Florida-friendly landscaping is defined by…

What can I do if a Landlord Keeps my Security Deposit?

There is a certain notice requirement under Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes that the landlord must follow in order to make a claim on any portion of your security deposit. If that notice is not given, the landlord forfeits his/her right to make a claim. If proper notice is given, the tenant must object…

How do I Evict a Tenant that has an Oral Lease Agreement?

You should never have a verbal lease agreement with a tenant. It just leads to problems down the road. However, if you are in that situation, it depends on how often rent is paid. Section 83.46(2) of the Florida Statutes states: If the rental agreement contains no provision as to duration of the tenancy, the…