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Are Hotel Guests Really Guests or Are they Tenants?

Chapter 509 of the Florida Statues deals with lodging. Generally speaking, lodging refers to hotels, motels, and inns. The term also includes other forms of lodging as well. The main types of lodging are Transient public lodging establishments and Nontransient public lodging establishments. Transient public lodging establishments are defined by Chapter 509 as being rented…

Florida’s New Foreclosure Law

On Friday, June 7, 2013, Governor Rick Scott signed The Florida Fair Foreclosure Act, which made many substantive changes to how foreclosures must be conducted in the state.  The primary focus of the Act is residential real estate foreclosures, however, a number of the new foreclosure requirements also relate to commercial real estate foreclosures. Section…

Calculating Reasonable Attorney’s Fees for Prevailing Parties

The amount of fees to which a prevailing party is entitled in any lawsuit where they are at issue are calculated following a method laid out by the Florida Supreme Court in Florida Patient’s Compensation Fund v. Rowe, 472 So.2d 1145 (Fla.1985). This method is often referred to as the “lodestar” method because the Court…

What Is A Proposal for Settlement under Florida Law

A proposal for settlement in Florida can be filed by either party to a lawsuit. Section 768.79 of the Florida Statutes provides for the proposal for settlement, a/k/a offer of judgment. Proposals for settlement are most often used in personal injury cases; however, they can be utilized in other cases as well. The proposal itself…

Can a Landlord Increase Rent during the Lease Term?

Generally speaking, the lease terms cannot be unilaterally changed before the lease expires. However, when the lease is up for renewal, either of the parties may choose not to renew, or to change the terms. If the lease is month to month, each month is a new lease. Therefore the landlord may change the terms…

What You Should Expect From Mediation

1.      Mediation is intended to be a non-adversarial process to resolve issues without further Court involvement. Mediation is not intended to mimic the often adversarial process you see in court. In all actuality, often enough the purpose of mediation is simply to get the parties to communicate in the hopes of coming up with some…

Violations of Florida’s Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

The Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA) prohibits debt collectors from using certain types of abusive, deceptive and misleading debt collection tactics. The FCCPA is in addition to the protections provided by Federal debt collection law and may provide greater protection to Florida residents, as well as ways for you to collect money from your harassers! Section 559.72 of…