Will a Realtor Work With For Sale by Owner?
If you are seeking to purchase a home in central Florida – and especially if you may be interested in buying a home that is “For Sale By Owner” – you should retain the advice and services of an Orlando real estate attorney.
Some real estate agents in Florida will work with for sale by owner (FSBO) home buyers, but if you are the buyer, you should also have guidance and insights from a lawyer who will give you sound, reliable legal advice regarding your prospective FSBO purchase.
What Should a Buyer-Broker Contract Include?
If you work with a real estate agent, you must have a buyer-broker contract that spells out the details of your arrangement, including the fees you will pay the agent for handling an FSBO purchase. Your real estate attorney should review a buyer-broker contract before you sign it.
You may think that FSBO transactions are simpler, but they’re not, and some real estate agents in Florida will not handle FSBO properties. If the purchase of an FSBO property is an alternative you want to retain, ask your real estate agent directly if he or she handles FSBO transactions.
Why Should You Have an Attorney’s Help?
Buying a home is complicated, and FSBO transactions entail even more complexities. You may not find a real estate agent willing to handle an FSBO transaction, and you may be dealing with an owner/seller who is not a real estate professional and may have no real estate training.
These additional complications mean that even more will be riding on the pertinent legal documents, which must be both accurate and compliant with the law. An Orlando real estate attorney can:
- protect your best long-term interests
- review and, if necessary, negotiate the sales contract
- accompany you to the closing
- ensure a clear title transfer
- handle any other legal matters that may emerge in an FSBO purchase
The purchase of a home may be the single largest purchase or investment a person ever makes. With so much at stake, you cannot overlook any details or make any mistakes, especially if you are purchasing an FSBO home in central Florida.
What Else Should You Know About FSBO Purchases?
An Orlando real estate attorney will explain your options as a home buyer, prepare or review the necessary legal documents, anticipate potential difficulties, and give you honest legal advice throughout the transaction process.
Our team works with prospective homebuyers who are seeking to purchase residences in the Orlando area and throughout central Florida. Whether or not your real estate agent handles FSBO transactions, we will work on your behalf.
Our law firm maintains the highest ethical standards; offers quality legal services to clients at affordable rates, and works with both the buyer and the seller to bring the purchase of your central Florida home to a successful conclusion.
Purchasing an FSBO home is complicated and risky, but if an Orlando real estate attorney from our law firm is handling your purchase, you can know the transaction is being handled properly. If you are buying a home in central Florida, you can reach our law offices by calling 407-426-7222.